Η πολυπλοκότητα της Ουκρανίας


Οι Ουκρανοί όμως μας ενημερώνουν ότι τα πράγματα είναι πολύ πιο πολύπλοκα από ότι θα ήθελε το Mega και τα σταλινικά απολιθώματα:

We, the collectives and members of Ukrainian leftist and anarchist organizations, announce that “Borotba” union is not a part of our movement. During the whole time of this political project’s existence, its members tended to be committed to the most discredited, conservative and authoritarian “leftist” regimes and ideologies, which do not represent the interests of working classes in any way.

”Borotba” has proved itself an organization with a non-transparent funding mechanism and unscrupulous principles of cooperation. It uses hired workers, who are not even the members of the organization. The local cells of “Borotba” took part in the protest actions together with PSPU (Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, which is an anti-Semiticracist, and clerical party, and has no relation to the world socialist movement) and with Kharkiv pro-government, anti-Semitic and homophobic group “Oplot”; and are known for their linkage with an infamous journalist O.Chalenko, who openly stands for Russian chauvinism.

Recent events demonstrate that the leadership of this union, following the example of the “Communist” Party of Ukraine, have been overtly defending the interests of president Yanukovych, justifying the use of weapons by security forces and denying the acts of unjustified violence and cruelty on their part, the use of tortures and other forms of  political terror.  The representatives of “Borotba” take an extremely biased stance concerning the composition of protest movement, which is represented both on their own web resources and in the media commentaries. According to them, the Maidan protests are supported exclusively by nationalists and radical right, and were aimed only at a coup d’etat (“fascist putsch”).

We stand on antifascist positions, and our activists have often been victims of radical rightists’ attacks. We do not support some of the Maidan’s ideas, and are against the bourgeois opposition. We also condemn conservative, nationalist, and radical right sentiments, which are tolerated in the protesters’ circles nowadays. However, we emphasize that labeling all active citizens as “fascists” is not only false, but also dangerous. This one-sidedness is fueling chauvinist hysteria and divides society, which is only favourable for the ruling class.

On January 24th, the region council deputy and “Borotba” representative Oleksiy Albu participated in the protection of Odesa region administration building against “Nazis”,  accompanied by Russian Cossacks and nationalists (“Slavic Unity”) and the members of ruling Party of Regions and Communist Party. In his later interview, he admitted his cooperation with  the Security Service of Ukraine.

On March 1st, “Borotba” activists together with pro-Putin organizations took part in the assault on Kharkiv region state administration,  which resulted in raising of a Russian flag and severe beating of many Kharkiv Maidan activists, including a leftist poet Serhiy Zhadan. The members of “Borotba” call all of this “an antifascist action” and claim that these violent actions were aimed against radical rightists.

Therefore, we conclude that the leadership of “Borotba” union not only support the authoritarian Soviet past, but also consciously manipulate  public opinion, and are acting as “pocket revolutionaries” of the ruling elites. Their activity at the moment does not have anything in common with leftist politics and class struggle, and is aimed at the support of pro-Putinist forces behind the mask of “antifascism” and “communism”. Thus, the actions of this organization are discrediting both its name (which is derived from revolutionaries-“borotbists” of the beginning of the XXth century) and all the modern Ukrainian left in general. Moreover, “Borotba” does not disdain overt lies and fact manipulations, deceiving foreign leftists and antifascists.

We urge all the conscious revolutionaries, who are still the members of “Borotba”, to leave this treacherous, pro-bourgeois union and to cease all the political relations with its leadership. We also hope that European and Russian left will reconsider their attitude to “Borotba.” The organization of this kind should be isolated.

No gods, no masters, no nations, no borders!

Workers of all countries – unite!

Autonomous Workers Union

Independent Student Union “Direct Action “

Δείτε και το site της οργάνωσης Borotba, τις ανακοινώσεις του Autonomous Workers Union και το site του φοιτητικού Independent Student Union “Direct Action “

2 thoughts on “Η πολυπλοκότητα της Ουκρανίας

  1. a ruthless critique

    και να σκεφτείς ότι το “oplot” στα γραφεία του έχει για σήμα το έμβλημα της ΕΣΣΔ. Μπερδεμένα πράγματα(!). Σταδιακά, δεν ξέρω που και πως, αλλά τα κείμενα από direct action και ΑWU θα μεταφραστούν….απλά είναι πολλά ρε γαμώτο…

  2. Aporia

    Αυτή η “Ανεξαρτητη Φοιτητικη ενωση” κανει επικοδομητικές συναντησεις με τον υπουργο παιδειας που ελεγχεται από τον Δεξιό Τομέα.http://direct-action.org.ua/1746
    Και όλο αυτό το διαστημα δεν έχουν εκδηλώσει καμια αντικυβερνητικη διαθεση προς προς την κυβερνηση του Κιεβου. Μήπως δεν πάει κάτι καλά με αυτά τα παιδιά.
    Επίσης σε μια άλλη αναρτησή τους φαινεται να βλέπουν φιλικά τις αντικυβερνητικες διαδηλώσεις στη Βενεζουέλα που υποστηρίζονται ανοιχτα και από την αστικη ταξη της χωρας αυτής και από το Λευκό Οίκο: http://direct-action.org.ua/1752
    Ποια ειναι η δικη σας γνωμη για αυτά;


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