Tag Archives: ΚΟΛΟΜΒΙΑ
Κολομβία: Οι συγκρούσεις φτάνουν στη Μπογκοτά
Δες εδώ για περισσότερα
Κολομβία: Η αστυνομία κάνει τη δουλειά της… και οι φοιτητές τη δική τους
…και οι φοιτητές μπαίνουν στο κίνημα:
Colombian Police intimidates farmers in their own houses, throws gas and breaks their windows. This happens when Colombian farmers peacefully ask for dignity for their labors as prices of agricultural inputs are secretly arranged and much higher than in the rest of the region as well as transportation costs due to the highest fuel cost in the region. Government insists in national media that nothing is happening and tries to shut people up by non-honest means.
Thousands of Farmers from all around the country are blocking around 37 national roads and it seems that soon will be arriving Bogotá. Many economic sectors have joined the strike, such as milk producers, transporters, students, miners, and citizens who live in medium and small cities. Even though the government wants to hide the facts and challenged the farmers by saying their protests are not as big as he expected, the situation has become the worst in years only after 5 days of strikes.
Κολομβία: Απεργία αγροτών & συγκρούσεις με την αστυνομία
Κολομβία: ταραχές στην απεργία ανθρακωρύχων
Απεργία για υπεράσπιση συνεταιριστικής δραστηριότητας (δες πιο κάτω απόσπασμα από Ριζοσπάστη).
Riot police were deployed as angry miners set fire to equipment and barricaded roads in Valle Del Cauca. Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos declared he would not tolerate the closure of a single highway in the country while calling for dialogue to end the conflict.
[Juan Manuel Santos, Colombian President]:
“I want to tell the miners, I will happily hold talks with you as will my administration. If you want to strike, go ahead, this government respects social protest. I will not allow and I reiterated it this morning to the defence minister, to the generals of the police and the army: these strikes may not block any road whatsoever.”
With the demonstration spreading to other mining areas of the country, protesters say they will stay put until their demands are heard.
[Alvaro Torres, Protester]:
“We are here indefinitely because they have to listen to us and they have to send someone to talk with us. We are willing to hold talks, not pridefully like the President, since he has his meals guaranteed and we don’t.”
Κατά το Ριζοσπάστη βέβαια, οι εργάτες μόνο αμύνονται:
Κινητοποιήσεις διαρκείας ξεκίνησαν από την Τετάρτη οι ανθρακωρύχοι σε μικρά ορυχεία στην Κολομβία σε 80 πόλεις σε 13 επαρχίες της χώρας, διεκδικώντας να κατοχυρώσουν το δικαίωμα να μπορούν να ζουν από αυτό το παραδοσιακό επάγγελμα που ασκούν εδώ και γενιές. Φυσικά αυτοί οι μικροί ανθρακωρύχοι που φτιάχνουν συνεταιρισμούς μπαίνουν στο στόχαστρο της αστικής κυβέρνησης που θέλει να εξασφαλίσει τον πλήρη έλεγχο του τεράστιου ορυκτού πλούτου για τα πολυεθνικά μονοπώλια (yeah!). Ετσι οι εργαζόμενοι αυτοί δέχτηκαν την επίθεση των κρατικών δυνάμεων καταστολής με χημικά και δακρυγόνα στα περίχωρα της πόλης Ιρα στην επαρχία της Ρισαράλντας. Οπως καταγγέλλουν οι διοργανωτές της κινητοποίησης, δύο άνθρωποι που συμπαραστέκονταν στους διαδηλωτές μια 70χρονη νοικοκυρά και ένας 56χρονος μικρέμπορος, πέθαναν στο νοσοκομείο που είχαν διακομιστεί με αναπνευστικά προβλήματα από τα χημικά που δέχτηκαν.
Κολομβία: Σφαγή στο Catatumbo, ¡No Nos Dejen Solos!
Since June 10, the region of Catatumbo in the department of Norte de Santander has been consumed by protests and riots that have left four protesters dead and over fifty injured.
More than 12,000 peasant farmers have participated in the protests, reported La Prensa Latina, demanding the government halt coca eradication until they can provide an economically viable alternative, and also calling for more investment in public infrastructure and services and for the region to be made a semi-autonomous “rural reserve zone.”
The riot police dispatched to the area to control the protests have received widespread criticism for their heavy-handed response, including accusations that they have fired indiscriminately on crowds.
The government initially refused to address the protesters demands, but backtracked earlier this week and began talks with community representatives on June 25.