Tag Archives: ΚΑΤΑΣΤΟΛΗ




Σύντομο κείμενο άποψης του Emir Suljagić που δημοσιεύτηκε στην εφημερίδα Oslobođenje στις 15 Φεβρουαρίου και αφορά τις διώξεις σε σχέση με τους εμπρησμούς κυβερνητικών κτιρίων στη Βοσνία. Το πρωτότυπο εδώ.

Emir Suljagić: Honor the Hooligans!

In the world they inhabit, Esed Radeljaš is a respectable citizen. The workers of Feroelektra are not starving and are not on the verge of a collective nervous breakdown. Hidrogradnja is still a company that built up half of the Middle East. Theirupstanding state has only one problem: a group of hooligans who set fire to several curtains of the Presidency building and who will therefore have to have their legs broken. To that end, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, publicly and to teach a lesson to the people who expressed their feelings by attacking the buildings of the Sarajevo Cantonal Government and the Presidency, has filed criminal charges against twenty or so young men — for terrorism.

No one in this country fought for walls and buildings; rather, blood was spilled for what these buildings represent. Today the building of the Presidency of BiH no longer means anything to anyone, with the exception of those inside it who receive inflated salaries. The young men who attacked the building last Friday see it as a tower of injustice that has reduced their parents to extreme poverty while bestowing entire hospitals to the wives of those who work there. You know how I know this? In the same way that I knew I was hungry even after 1995; in the same way I would eat only one meal a day up until 2001. And I know the disdain for government that hunger brings.

I hope that Dragan Lukač will remember his decision to charge a group of rowdy fans with terrorism when, at the coming October elections, the SDA is ousted and new bosses arrive. And next time, when the people — not rowdy fans, but their parents and all of us together — chase them down the bypass that is still missing three centimeters of asphalt, presumably then they will remember the decision to destroy the lives of the boys who one afternoon started a revolution on our behalf.

And let’s not fool ourselves: This is a political decision, because Lukač is only as independent as his nominal boss Predrag Kurteš is. Neither exists beyond the personal will of those who currently run their parties. This, then, after all that has happened and is still happening, is a decision made by Izetbegović and Lagumdžija: After sharing nothing with the people, not a single hardship, after twenty years of poking us in the eye and rubbing salt in our wounds to keep them from healing, now, while we’re lying on the ground, beaten . . . in the end, just like in Death and the Dervish, they will piss on us.

Those who believe that the charges are the result of an independent judicial action because the Presidency building is supposedly a symbol of the state should bear one thing in mind: Each of the companies that were destroyed by Izetbegović and Lagumdžija’s friends — including the one they now blame for the riots hanging over their own heads — is a better symbol of statehood, because each of them put bread on the table for thousands of families. Everything these men touch disappears. They destroyed fifty years of an entire people’s zeal in less than two decades. Crushed, laid to waste, buried. And what’s more, now they want to criminalize our right to rebel against it. Hungry peoples do not create states. Hungry peoples disappear.

For those who were not in Skenderija last Friday, let me say this: I met war veterans who, unlike the comfortable heads of the veterans’ associations, are starving; children of martyrs who, unlike Emina Ganić, don’t have plans and ambitions; employees of Hidrogradnja who show signs of starvation. And do you know what they had in common? They were all rooting for the “hooligans” and saying, “That’s right, f*** the bastards!”

As for the plenum organizers, the first thing they did was mortgage the young men who overnight made it possible for them to negotiate with the authorities on an equal footing. And so I ask: Are we in agreement that the prosecutors and judges, who for two decades now have been appointed by those in power, should prosecute not the demonstrators who attacked the buildings of the Canton and Presidency, but instead those who have destroyed our economy? If so, I propose that we help these young men, that we do something and not stand idly by while the government breaks the legs of those who, unlike us, had the courage to speak up on our behalf. Because on that day the “hooligans” were the most honorable citizens of our country.

(Published in Oslobođenje)

Σ. Αραβία: Ταραχές με νεκρό σε στρατόπεδο συγκέντρωσης μεταναστών


Την ίδια στιγμή που απελαύνονται χιλιάδες σομαλοί μετανάστες στα πλαίσια της αντι-μεταναστευτικής πολιτικής των τελευταίων μηνών από το κράτος της Σ. Αραβίας (δες video) συνέβη και το ακόλουθο γεγονός:

An illegal migrant has died and nine others were wounded when Saudi police intervened to quell “chaos” at a detention centre in the west of the kingdom, police said Monday.
The casualties fell during a “stampede” at Al-Shumaisi detention centre, south of the holy city of Makkah, where migrants of various nationalities are held pending deportation.
Detainees “tried to cause chaos… resulting in damages to the centre,” Makkah police spokesman Commander Ati al-Qurashi told AFP. He did not elaborate on the nature of the disturbances but said that police “had to intervene” and that a migrant was killed and nine others wounded in a “stampede”.
The spokesman did not provide details on the nationalities of the casualties, the number of illegals held at the centre, or the progress made in their deportation procedures.
Police have been cracking down on illegal migrants since the expiration in early November of a seven-month amnesty during which they had to regularise their status or leave the country.
The operations have sparked deadly clashes, with two Saudis, a Sudanese and another foreigner killed, according to official figures. The Ethiopian embassy in Riyadh has said three Ethiopians were killed in clashes.
More than 307,000 illegal migrants have been expelled since the start of the campaign, according to Saudi authorities.
Nearly a million migrants from various countries took advantage of the amnesty to leave voluntarily, while another four million were able to find employers to sponsor them, a legal requirement in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.

Η πολυπλοκότητα της Βενεζουέλας

A French questionnaire: Venezuela today


αναδημοσίευση από periodico el libertario

Rafael Uzcátegui

As the Venezuelan situation changes every day, I should clarify that I wrote this on 03/01/14 at 06:00 pm.

– Who are the people who took to the streets? They are only upper middle class people of some housing developments, militants of far-right parties and Colombian paramilitary activists, (“Aguilas Negras”)?

– This question can only be answered correctly, referring to the beginning of this cycle of protests in Venezuela. On February 4 students at the Universidad Nacional Experimental del Tachira (UNET), in San Cristobal, staged a peaceful protest against insecurity, caused by the sexual abuse against a student. The protest was brutally suppressed by the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), the agency of the Venezuelan Armed Forces in charge of “maintaining public order”, and 6 students were arrested. On this episode we should clarify two things: 1) Historically the student movement in Latin America and Venezuela, has always rejected detained students in protests and 2) San Cristobal, capital of Tachira state, is a city located in a border area with Colombia that has been particularly hard hit for several years by interruptions of utilities (water and electricity mainly), price inflation as well as shortages of various consumer products. The arrest of these students led protests in other cities of the country, which in turn were suppressed by increasing the number of students arrested. This created an “snowball-effect”, from the inner cities of the country to Caracas. It is in this climate of protests and unrest, which two opposition politicians (Leopoldo Lopez and Maria Corina Machado), make a call to hold demonstrations to demand the resignation of President under the slogan “the exit”.

It is important to say that the rest of the opposition parties, including the coalition “Bureau of Democratic Unity” (MUD), and the governor of Miranda state, Henrique Capriles; rejected the first few days the protests, which have overwhelmed the political parties opponents. When I write these answers (03/01/14) the protest against the government was decentralized, with some violent foci but largely, peacefully. It also has two different dynamics : One in Caracas , starring with middle class students from public and private universities territorially in the east of the city, and basically with political demands (release of the students, the resignation of President and rejection of repression); and in the rest of the country, qualitatively more important than that one in  Caracas because it incorporates popular sectors; and in some cities, (such as San Cristobal), rural areas (thus this city was militarized), and including social demands and lack of products, the high cost of living and lack of basic services.

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War on war! Not a single drop a blood for the “nation”!



The power struggle between oligarchic clans in Ukraine threatens to escalate into an international armed conflict. Russian capitalism intends to use redistribution of Ukrainian state power in order to implement their long-standing imperial and expansionist aspirations in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine where it has strong economic, financial and political interests.

On the background of the next round of the impending economic crisis in Russia, the regime is trying to stoking Russian nationalism to divert attention from the growing workers’ socio-economic problems: poverty wages and pensions, dismantling of available health care, education and other social services. In the thunder of the nationalist and militant rhetoric it is easier to complete the formation of a corporate, authoritarian state based on reactionary conservative values and repressive policies.

In Ukraine, the acute economic and political crisis has led to increased confrontation between “old” and “new” oligarchic clans, and the first used including ultra-rightist and ultra-nationalist formations for making a state coup in Kiev. The political elite of Crimea and eastern Ukraine does not intend to share their power and property with the next in turn Kiev rulers and trying to rely on help from the Russian government. Both sides resorted to rampant nationalist hysteria: respectively, Ukrainian and Russian. There are armed clashes, bloodshed. The Western powers have their own interests and aspirations, and their intervention in the conflict could lead to World War III.

Warring cliques of bosses force, as usual, force to fight for their interests us, ordinary people: wage workers, unemployed, students, pensioners… Making us drunkards of nationalist drug, they set us against each other, causing us forget about our real needs and interests: we don`t and can`t care about their “nations” where we are now concerned more vital and pressing problems – how to make ends meet in the system which they found to enslave and oppress us.

We will not succumb to nationalist intoxication. To hell with their state and “nations”, their flags and offices! This is not our war, and we should not go on it, paying with our blood their palaces, bank accounts and the pleasure to sit in soft chairs of authorities. And if the bosses in Moscow, Kiev, Lviv, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Simferopol start this war, our duty is to resist it by all available means!

No war between “nations”-no peace between classes!

KRAS, Russian section of the International Workers Association
Internationalists of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Israel, Lithuania
Anarchist Federation of Moldova
Fraction of the Revolutionary Socialists (Ukraine)

The statement is open for signature

Με φόντο την Ουκρανία: Η περιφερειοποίηση ως συγκεντροποίηση του κεφαλαίου


Απόσπασμα από το κείμενο Η μεταβατική περίοδος της κρίσης: Η εποχή των ταραχών (Μάιος 2011)

[…] Στην πράξη δεν τίθεται ζήτημα επιστροφής της καπιταλιστικής οργάνωσης στο μοντέλο που είχε ως κέντρο του το έθνος κράτος, καθώς αυτό θα συνεπαγόταν μια διάρθρωση της παραγωγής που ανήκει οριστικά στο παρελθόν. Αν η σύγχρονη παγκοσμιοποίηση φτάσει πραγματικά σε αδιέξοδο, αυτή τη φορά θα είναι αδύνατο η ιστορία να ακολουθήσει την ίδια πορεία που διέγραψε μετά το αδιέξοδο που δημιούργησε η επιτυχία των πρώτων ιμπεριαλιστικών πολέμων, το οποίο οδήγησε στον πρώτο παγκόσμιο πόλεμο. Σήμερα, το κεφάλαιο θα αναγκαστεί να δώσει μια πρώτη απάντηση στην κρίση της παγκοσμιοποίησης με μια αναδίπλωση επίπονη και συγκρουσιακή, την περιφερειοποίηση της συσσώρευσης. Μια απάντηση όμως που δεν φαίνεται προς το παρόν να είναι ικανή να οδηγήσει σε νέο κύκλο συσσώρευσης, μια απάντηση που βρίσκεται μέσα στα ιστορικά όρια της μεταβατικής περιόδου που ξεκίνησε με την κρίση του 2008.

Ο ιμπεριαλισμός της εποχής μας δεν μπορεί να έχει μια μορφή παρόμοια με αυτή που είχε τον 19ο αιώνα, καθώς η συγκεντροποίηση του κεφαλαίου, που έχει δημιουργήσει η ιστορική διαδικασία της συσσώρευσης, δεν επιτρέπει κάτι τέτοιο. Οι περιφέρειες που προορίζονται για περιχαρακώσεις και εχθρικές μεταξύ τους σχέσεις κατάγονται από την ιστορική εξέλιξη των προηγούμενων κύκλων συσσώρευσης του κεφαλαίου και η πιο πρόσφατη (αλλά και πιο ευάλωτη από τις άλλες) είναι η περιφέρεια της Ανατολικής Ασίας­(*),το δημιούργημα του νεοφιλελευθερισμού.

Οι περιοχές, κυρίως της τρίτης ζώνης, που δεν ανήκουν σε κάποια από τις περιφέρειες συσσώρευσης αλλά και κάποιες από τις περιοχές της δεύτερης ζώνης που δυσκολεύονται να παραμείνουν ενσωματωμένες στο μοντέλο που επιβάλλεται σήμερα από το χρηματοπιστωτικό κεφάλαιο, αποτελούν ήδη, ή πρόκειται να αποτελέσουν, τα πρώτα πεδία έκφρασης της σύγκρουσης και σε ταξικό και σε ενδοκαπιταλιστικό επίπεδο. Οι περιοχές αυτές προορίζονται για καταλήστευση παραγωγικών πηγών και για κατασταλτική διαχείριση της αναπαραγωγής του προλεταριάτου (**). Αυτό δε σημαίνει πως οι αστικές τάξεις των κρατών αυτών «αντιστέκονται» στην επέλαση αυτή. Αντίθετα, οι πιο δυνατές φράξιές τους αντιμετωπίζουν αυτήν την κρίση ως ευκαιρία να πλασαριστούν σε καλύτερη θέση και να κατασπαράξουν τις πιο αδύναμες φράξιες. Οι πιο αδύναμες φράξιες του κεφαλαίου και τα μικροαστικά κομμάτια του βρίσκονται συμπιεσμένες, όπως πάντα συμβαίνει σε περιόδους κρίσης, και κατά κύριο λόγο στρέφονται προς τις εθνικιστικές πολιτικές που αναπτύσσονται ώστε να προστατευθούν. Οι κοινωνικές αντιφάσεις σε αυτές τις περιοχές εκρήγνυνται καθώς γίνεται ολοένα και περισσότερο σαφές στο προλεταριάτο που ζει εκεί (ή εδώ) πως η συνέχεια του καπιταλισμού σε μεγάλο βαθμό δεν τους περιλαμβάνει ως αξιοποιήσιμη εργατική δύναμη.

Από την άλλη πλευρά, η αντικειμενική τάση περιφερειοποίησης της συσσώρευσης δεν πρέπει να θεωρείται καθόλου βέβαιο ότι θα υλοποιηθεί τελικά. Ήδη στην Ευρωζώνη, δημιουργούνται σοβαρές τριβές ανάμεσα σε σημαντικούς συντελεστές της για το μεταναστευτικό ζήτημα, πέρα από τις σφοδρότατες συγκρούσεις για τον τρόπο διαχείρισης της δημοσιονομικής κρίσης. Στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Μέσης Ανατολής και του Περσικού Κόλπου εμφανίζονται δυνάμεις που προσπαθούν να αυτονομηθούν όσο είναι δυνατό από την επιρροή των περιφερειών συσσώρευσης όπως το Ιράν, η Τουρκία, ακόμη και η ομάδα κρατών που συγκροτεί το «συμβούλιο συνεργασίας του Κόλπου». Η κρίση αναπαραγωγής του προλεταριάτου από τη μία πλευρά ωθεί προς την περιφερειοποίηση και από την άλλη αποτελεί πλήρως διαλυτική τάση.

(*) Σίγουρα τα κέντρα συσσώρευσης των ΗΠΑ και της ΕΕ επαγρυπνούν ώστε να εκμεταλλευθούν κάθε δυνατότητα που θα τους δινόταν να διαλύσουν την Κίνα και να μοιράσουν τη λεία. Γνωρίζουν όμως πολύ καλά ότι η προσπάθεια για κάτι τέτοιο θα γινόταν συμφέρουσα μόνο μέσω της αποσταθεροποίησης του Κινέζικου κράτους από την ταξική πάλη στο εσωτερικό του. Έτσι όσο το εύχονται άλλο τόσο απεύχονται αυτό το σενάριο.

(**) Στην Αίγυπτο, για παράδειγμα, αυτή η διαδικασία είχε ξεκινήσει να εντατικοποιείται ήδη από το 2004. Ο Gamal Mubarak τότε πήρε προσωπικά, σε μαφιόζικο στυλ, την εξουσία και μοίρασε διαχειριστικούς ρόλους σε διάφορους ραντιέρηδες και υπαλλήλους της διεθνούς του χρηματοπιστωτικού κεφαλαίου. Ακολούθησαν με ραγδαίους ρυθμούς ιδιωτικοποιήσεις, μείωση της φορολογίας στα κέρδη του κεφαλαίου από 40 σε 20%, και απροθυμία συλλογής έστω αυτών των φόρων από το κράτος, και προσπάθεια μεγάλης αύξησης της στεγαστικής φορολογίας των χαμηλών εισοδημάτων, κάτι που απονομιμοποίησε ακόμη περισσότερο το καθεστώς (στοιχεία από το άρθρο Egypt Revolt, New Left Review no. 68).

Τουρκία: Ταραχές για όλους τους λόγους (λογοκρισία, διαφθορά, περιβάλλον)

Ταραχές ενάντια στη λογοκρισία που προσπαθούν να επιβάλλουν στο ιντερνετ:


Φοιτητές συγκρούστηκαν με την αστυνομία στη διαδήλωση ενάντια στην κατασκευή αυτοκινητόδρομου στην περιφέρεια της Άγκυρας:




Ταραχές παντού και για τη “διαφθορά του Ερντογάν” (πηγή revolution news):

 A leaked recording surfaced of Turkish PM Erdogan Instructing his son to hide huge sums of money. In the new voice recording, Erdoğan and his son Bilal allegedly discuss during five wiretapped phone conversations on plans how to hide huge sums of cash on the day when police raided a number of venues as part of a corruption investigation that has implicated sons ofthree Turkish ministers, businessmen and chief of the state bank. At the beginning of the phone conversation, the prime minister briefs his son Bilal about the raid and asks him to “zero” the amount (at least $1 billion cash) stashed at five houses. The authenticity of the recordings has not been verified.

Tonight citizens of Turkey have taken the streets of Istanbul, Ankara, Sakarya,Bursa, Antalya, Izmir, Kartal and others to vent frustration and disapproval over Erdogan’s corruptive practices.

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Dead End: About the Coup in Egypt


Παρά το σαφή εργατίστικο προσανατολισμό της ανάλυσης του Wildcat αναδημοσιεύουμε το άρθρο γιατί θεωρούμε ότι φωτίζει με ικανοποιητικό τρόπο τα αποτελέσματα αλλά και τις εσωτερικές αντιφάσεις της πολιτικοποίησης των ταραχών στην Αίγυπτο.


πηγή: http://www.wildcat-www.de/en/eindex.htm

Go to the Afterword from February 2014

For two years, Tahrir Square was the symbol of a radical departure from social ossification and crisis. The military coup in the summer of 2013 ended this phase. The various illusions and hopes were buried with the hundreds that died. Essential parts of the liberal milieus have accepted state-led massacres and mass arrests in the name of ‘defending democracy’. The hope of a state solution to social misery is also lost; the last heirs of Nasserism and trade union movement-hopefuls now sit at the military (side) table. Their vague promises of reform are drowned out by their appeals to peace, order and willingness to work.

In the acute social situation there is currently no room for participation. The movement will have to provide new questions about social revolution and organisation and will have to find new answers. To this end, migrants play an important role.

Egypt’s ruling class

With the fall of President Morsi at the beginning of July 2013, the amalgamation of the state and military apparatus with the economy once again became visible. This form of class power emerged at the end of the Nasser era. In the mid-seventies, the military had lost its role as protectors of an ‘anti-colonial’ state industrialisation, and the bloated military apparatus afterwards found itself new fields of activity in the civil economy after the 1978 peace treaty with Israel. A new model of accumulation developed, particularly during the second, ‘neoliberal’ half of the 30-year long Mubarak regime, which was less based on industrialisation, and more on privatisation, the plundering of social wealth and on state-secured investments in infrastructure (transport, tourism, telecommunications). This model was enforced by a gigantic repressive apparatus, which was detached from any ‘democratic control’. This apparatus included an informal army of baltagiyyas (thugs) and the military courts, which had been installed permanently since the state of emergency in 1981. The uprising in 2011 showed the crisis of this model.

It is still the case that most of the companies are small and medium-sized enterprises, but they are controlled by a very small layer of society through an old boys network, which means that we are dealing with monopolies. In 2010, around 500 families owned financial assets of more than 30 million USD, while 20 families (the ‘core-elite’) owned more than 100 million. The main economic focus of these groups of enterprises is on construction, telecommunications, tourism, food and pharmaceutical production, and (foreign) trade. At the very top stands the Sawiris family, which owns Egypt’s largest construction company and rules over the telecommunications market and the media sector. In the 2000s this new economic elite took over the high command of political power directly; prime examples being Gamal Mubarak and the Nazif government, which came to power in 2004. Politically, they thereby entered into competition with the military apparatus, which manages the factories of the Nasser-ite epoch of industrialisation (consumption goods and arms manufacturing) and which, in addition, started to participate in the business of mass tourism since its boom in the 1990s. In total the military controls 5 to 15 per cent of the national economy.

The military played a significant role in the enforcement of this neoliberal looting because it has the right to confiscate land e.g. for the construction of infrastructure projects, tourist parks, and new industrial zones. This was the cohesive element between the military and the oligarchic elite. The top-layer of the Muslim Brotherhood, which mainly engaged in trade, were part of this arrangement, although, apart from a few exceptions, they were situated rather in the second or third tier. The military and civil top elite is partly Coptic (like the Sawiris) and in general rather secular.

The network of clientelism that was directed towards the masses was organised in ‘religious’ terms. After the privatisation in the 90s, the welfare system (benefits for the poor, education and health care) was split off into a completely deficient and corrupt public sector, an expensive private sector and a third sector comprising the various liberal, islamist and christian charities. The vast NGO sector is based on voluntary and informal labour and, in part, directly organises the informal economic sector.

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Ουκρανία: Το Μεϊντάν και οι αντιφάσεις του. Συνέντευξη με έναν επαναστάτη συνδικαλιστή


Πηγή: http://pratelekomunizace.wordpress.com/2014/02/19/maidan-and-its-contradictions-interview-with-a-ukrainian-revolutionary-syndicalist/

For weeks and weeks, we have been looking at Ukrainian events, trying to make sense of what has been happening in Kyiv and other cities. We had read many texts, comments and interviews and discussed about Maidan, but we had been always arriving only at new questions to be answered. Thus, when a possibility occurred to get in touch with Ukrainian comrades one of us tried to use it as best as he could. As a result of that effort and thanks to kindness and patience of Denis from a Kyiv branch of a revolutionary syndicalist group called Autonomous Workers Union the following interview came into existence. Hopefully, it will provide you with many useful insights into the Maidan movement and its context. Continue reading

Ουκρανία: Μια ερασιτεχνική έρευνα για τη σύνθεση των εξεγερμένων

tumblr_n0699rvUTP1rgok2xo1_500 acab tieH3dPΑναδημοσιεύουμε από εδώ μια «έρευνα» σχετικά με το ποια είναι, γιατί εξεγείρονται και τι θέλουν τα άτομα που λαμβάνουν μέρος στις συγκρούσεις με τις δυνάμεις καταστολής στο Κίεβο. Αν και ερασιτεχνική, η «έρευνα» αυτή είναι ενδεικτική της σύνθεσης του κόσμου που συμμετέχει ενεργά στην εξέγερση.

A Sociological Survey With the Purpose of Finding Out Which Social Layers Are the Militant Force of the Modern Revolution in Ukraine?


Our assumption has been that in Ukraine we have a revolution combined with counter-revolution. The counterrevolutionaries are the 3 pseudo-leaders – Oleh Tyahnibok of “Svoboda”, Vitaly Kitcko of “Udar” and Arseniy Yatsenuk of “Bat�kivschina”. They struggle with the government of Yanukovich and the Party of Regions for redistribution of the state power, and, hence, redistribution of the former state property (for, you see, in Ukraine and other similar “transitional states”, possession of state power opens the door to grabbing of the state property!). Revolutionaries are those who do not belong to any party, who are by themselves at the barricades and who fight the cops. The official “opposition” and “Maidan” (Maidan refers to the main square in Kiev, Ukraine, where in the winter of 2013-14 there are major anti-government protests and clashes with the police) are two different and even contradictory concepts.

We’re faced with the question: who is the moving force of the revolution in Ukraine today? Who is really manning the barricades and performs other militant functions on the Maidan? To answer these questions we have conducted a sociological survey. We have questioned those who were manning the barricades at the entrance to Maidan from the direction of TsUM (the Central Universal Store, which used to be the main department store in Kiev, located on the main street of the city, Khreschatik). We have surveyed the militants along the Maidan, the guards at the entrance to the Ukrainian House (taken over by the rebels), and especially at the barricades on the Hrushevskogo Street (which was the epicenter of clashes). In the course of one day, 15 February, 2014, we have managed to survey 37 people, while some of the participants have given an extended oral interview, for which I am grateful to them.

We have formulated questions about the education and professional background of the participants. Then we’ve asked the questions about their vision of the situation in Ukraine and what is to be done about it. To be more concrete, we’ve formulated the following 5 questions:

1. Education: 1) didn’t finish school, 2) finished high school, 3) technical 2-year college, 4) incomplete higher education, 5) higher education.

2. What did you do before the Maidan? (type of activity, profession, how did you make a living)

3. What will you do after the Maidan? (What would you like to do? What will you do realistically?)

4. How do you understand the main problems now facing Ukraine? (The main problems of the society).

5. How can these problems be solved? (The ideal final result. The innermost desire for the future of this society). Continue reading

2 Κείμενα απ’ το Κίεβο

αναδημοσίευση από ruthless critique against everything existing

fileΣτο κέντρο του Μαϊντάν, τις πρώτες μέρες φιγουράριζε και το πορτρέτο της φυλακισμένης πρώην προέδρου της χώρας Τιμοσένκο.

Μια μικρή εισαγωγή

Η κατάσταση στο Κίεβο είναι σίγουρα αντιφατική και θολή, όπως κάθε κοινωνική σύγκρουση. Σε καμία ιστορική εποχή-ούτε καν οι τιμημένοι, για κάποιους μπολσεβίκοι ή ο Μαχνό για άλλους- δεν υπήρξε κίνημα χωρίς αντιφάσεις και πισωγυρίσματα, πόσο μάλλον στον καιρό της δημοκρατίας και του κεφαλαίου, που τα πάντα είναι δεμένα σε ένα αντιφατικό όλο. Όποιος ψάχνει “καθαρές” επαναστάσεις έχει πολύ ψάξιμο ακόμα. Η σύγκριση διαφόρων εξεγέρσεων ως καλύτερων ή χειρότερων, προσπερνά στα τυφλά το ευμετάβλητο των κοινωνικών κριτηρίων ως αποτύπωση των ίδιων ανταγωνισμών, που υποτίθεται πως κρίνει, ενώ αγνοεί τα γεγονότα ως διαλεκτικό αποτέλεσμα προηγούμενων αντιφάσεων. Συνεπώς η σύγκριση μεταξύ Βοσνίας και Κιέβου, είναι άστοχη, και κυρίως πολιτική, πέρα από τις ιδιαίτερες συνθήκες που γέννησαν τα γεγονότα, είναι κριτικές της μορφής. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό οφείλουμε να δούμε τα γεγονότα, όχι ως πολιτικά αντίθετα που συγκρούονται. αλλά ως αντιφατικές ενότητες σε αποσταθεροποίηση.. Αυτό που κάνουμε-που προσπαθούμε να κάνουμε- είναι να δούμε με ποιον αντιφατικό τρόπο τα υποκείμενα της καπιταλιστικής ολότητας προσπαθούν να επιλύσουν και να ξεφύγουν από την ίδια τους την πραγματικότητα και ουσιαστικά από τον ίδιο τους τον εαυτό, τι διακυβεύματα και όρια βάζουν στον εαυτό τους .Σε τελική ανάλυση η καπιταλιστική-και όχι η οικονομική απλά- κρίση σε ποιό βαθμό είναι αδυναμία αναπαραγωγής της αξίας και σε ποιό βαθμό η διαδικασία επαναφοράς της; Με λίγα λόγια δεν θέλουμε να δικαιολογήσουμε την Ουκρανία ή να υποτιμήσουμε τη Βοσνία(ή το αντίστροφο). Κοιτούμε κριτικά τις μορφές που παίρνει η ταξική πάλη σε κάθε χώρα, ως αντιφάσεις του ίδιου τους του εαυτού

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