Κείμενο της αριστερής ομάδας Megafonen. Στο κείμενο φαίνεται πώς το “αθέμιτο” της διεκδίκησης επεκτείνεται πέρα από το ζήτημα του μισθού. Οι Megafonen έφτιαξαν ένα “ταμείο” στο οποίο μπορεί ο καθένας να καταθέτει χρήματα υπέρ των “πληγέντων από τις ταραχές”.
Δες και το ντοκυμανταίρ τους για την αποτυχία των διεκδικητικών αγώνων στα προάστια εδώ
Husby besieged by police officers. Go home? This IS our home
The effect of the police murder of 69-year-old man in Husby on Monday 13th May arrived today: a conflict between the cops and local citizens after four cars were burned in the evening.
Whatever we do, the police and the mainstream media will brand it as “mindless chaos”, this is what has always been written about the suburbs and its people, but actually it was a protest against Monday’s killings. This is absolutely NOT a coincidence, this is not an isolated riot. This is the only way to express frustration when other democratic avenues are closed. Those organising with us know that peaceful demonstrations have been held but the dialogue has been left unanswered. Police investigating their own and declare that no error has occurred, even though the truth is simple: what happened on Monday was the murder of one of our neighbours.