Τουρκία, 4η μέρα: γενίκευση, αλλά και σημείο καμπής

Ποιο σημείο της Τουρκίας δεν έχει επηρεαστεί;BLysNL3CEAAm-L-.jpg-large

Παραλειπόμενο από χθες: Τα γραφεία του AKP στην Ιζμίρ, στις φλόγες:


Ο Ερντογάν ξανάρχισε το τραγούδι “απειλώ με εμφύλιο”, στην πράξη όμως συνεχίζει να καταστέλει το κίνημα στην Ιστανμπούλ και προσπαθεί να καταστείλει όσο μπορεί το κίνημα στην Άγκυρα και στην Ιζμίρ για να μην εδαφικοποιηθούν και να μην πλησιάζουν οι διαδηλωτές τα κυβερνητικά και κομματικά κτίρια. Το ύφος του πάντως είναι “απολαυστικό” (ενεργοποίησε τους υποτιτλους αν δεν ξέρεις τουρκικα):



Ποιοι είναι όμως αυτοί στους οποίους αναφέρεται ο Ερντογάν; Εδώ μιλάνε για τον εαυτό τους:


Και εδώ ένας φοιτητής εξηγεί ότι το κράτος είναι αστυνομικό:


Οι γυναίκες μιλάνε για τον εαυτό τους ως γυναίκες:


Women resist too!

Women are rebelling! And you can not stop us with gas tanks and truncheons! Women resist with other oppressed groups for two days. Workers, Kurds, LGBT, Alawites, Muslims, non-Muslims, atheists and all the oppressed (s), run (s), insulted (s) and blame (s) as “traitors” are being rebel in Turkey. Resistance that began in Gezi Park Taksim Square in Istanbul is now spill over many other cities.

We, women, are on the front of this resistance. We join the rebellion because:

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his clique have sought to promote the lynching of women by men, they tolerated the murder of women by men with their law on “unjustified provocation”, they did not open places of Home to allow women to escape domestic violence by men; They stigmatized women raped and harassed by immoral processing and non-chaste They put pressure on raped women to give birth children born of rape; They qualified abortion murder they did not open nurseries but imposed on women to give birth to at least three children: they condemned us to poverty, precarious work, with uncertain jobs and live in slavery conditions, they defined the domestic work as the duty of women, they have worked hard on women and families living independently of men with their laws.

But we women, we resist!

Because the Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his clique have condemned us to suffer oppression and exploitation of people, we call on all women to take to the streets and rebel for our liberation!

Socialist Feminist Collective



Οι συγκρούσεις συνεχίστηκαν σήμερα κυρίως στην Άγκυρα με τη γνωστή βαρβαρότητα της αστυνομίας, αλλά θα φανεί το βράδυ τι θα κάνει η αστυνομία και στην Ιστανμπούλ (ήδη άρχισε να επιτίθεται στο Gezi). Στην Άγκυρα χιλιάδες άνθρωποι διαδηλώνουν φωνάζοντας: η αντίσταση είναι παντού, παντού είναι Ταξίμ. Στο χορό του κινήματος μπήκε και ένα συνδικάτο που εκπροσωπεί 240.000 κόσμο κηρύσσοντας 48ωρη απεργία και ορίζοντας επίσημα πλέον το κίνημα ως “αντικυβερνητικό” και “αντικατασταλτικό”. Δεν είναι σαφές αν αυτή η απεργία θα επηρεάσει την οικονομική ζωή. Χωρίς αυτή την εξέλιξη πάντως, δύσκολα θα αμφισβητηθεί η κυβέρνηση. Οι συλλήψεις έχουν ξεπεράσει επισήμως τις 1700 και το κράτος αναγκάστηκε σήμερα να αναγνωρίσει την ύπαρξη ενός νεκρού. Η καταστολή ανεβαίνει αναγκαστικά καθώς το κίνημα δε φαίνεται προς το παρόν να κάμπτεται:

Some of the methods the police have employed are even against the protocols of war. In the night of June 2, the police raided three medical centers treating protesters in Ankara. The police sprayed pepper gas and used force on doctors, hospitalising two of them. Then both the doctors and the injured protesters were taken to the sports hall of a Shopping Mall (Ankamall) to be kept there.

Στην κατάληψη του Gezi Parki στήνονται υποδομές για εναλλακτικά μέσα ενημέρωσης, πολλά δημοτικά κτίρια και τζαμιά χρησιμοποιούνται ως πρόχειρα ιατρεία. Ταυτόχρονα οι διαδηλωτές περικυκλώνουν τα κανάλια απαιτώντας δημοσιότητα για το κίνημα τους.


Αναδημοσιεύουμε και ένα κομμάτι από ένα ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για τα γεγονότα από το site jadaliyya:

Some outlets have linked the Gezi Park protests to the AKP’s recent restrictions on the sale of alcohol.Journalists doing so are attempting to portray the Gezi Park occupation as a conflict between Erdoğan’s Islamism and the country’s secular ethos. The secularist opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has also taken this stance, and has tried to coopt the uprising by turning the movement into a symbol of culture wars between a secular youth and an older Islamist generation.  Attractive as that framing may be to Western media, it could not be further from the truth. While many protesters are without a doubt staunch secularists who are motivated by opposition to the AKP’s increasing social conservatism, there is no indication that this is what ultimately brought thousands of people out into the streets. In fact, when CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, came to Gezi Park to speak, protesters sang over him, preventing him from being heard. It is clear that the movement thus far is about a conflict in visions for urban space between ruling elites and the people who actually live, work, and play in the city. In this regard it is telling that #DirenGeziParkı emerged as the original hashtag on Twitter. This connects to protests held in 2009 in Istanbul against the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, which took place under the banner of “Diren Istanbul”—“Resist Istanbul”—cleverly shortened in translation to “ResIstanbul.”

At the same time, and as the protests appear to spread and take on a more generally anti-government tone, it is not unlikely that general dissatisfaction with Erdoğan will eventually win out as the primary message of the movement. In that case, we can expect to see a rift between the liberal secularist opposition who joined the protest on 31 May and after and the radical protesters who spawned the movement in the first place.

Throughout the Arab uprisings, Turkey remained ostensibly stable. Some commentators proposed Turkey as a model for post-uprising Arab states, most especially Egypt. The mixture of a “moderate” Islamist prime minister and a “secular” constitution made NATO-member Turkey an attractive prototype for a new Middle East in the eyes of Western pundits.  Others, along with myself, have pointed out that Turkey is a poor choice of role model, given its ongoing conflict with its Kurdish minority population as well as myriad other dynamics.

Today, it seems as though Turkey’s internal divisions are surfacing in a way not seen for some time. What we are seeing in the Gezi Park occupation is the sudden explosion of this Right to the City movement, with some general anti-government sentiment mixed in. For now, an Istanbul court has temporarily suspended construction of the park, pending a hearing on the matter. As time goes on, and if this movement continues to grow, rifts are likely to occur and the meaning of the protests will become as contested as the physical space of Taksim Square. But for the time being, between the massive May Day protest and now this nationwide movement less than a month later, we may finally be in for a summer of uprising in Turkey.

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